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We also offer a range of banner sizes and text Ad links within posts, below posts and at the sidebar of the site. Most of our readers are South Africans who either through the use of Social media, Google search engine, yahoo, bing or other blogs stumbled on WikiSouthAfrica.
We offer our readers unique, interesting and quality information content that keep them glued to our articles. If you need further clarification, send a mail with subject advert inquiry to OR or contact us.
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468 x 60 banner- Position: Above & Below post
320 x 100 banner– Position: Header
Text link ad below posts
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Sponsored Post
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1. Listed sizes and choice of placement are subject to negotiations.
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4. Advert space is available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
5. Our advertising policy is so flexible that we can accommodate any request from an advertiser so long as it is legal and conforms to our privacy policy.
6. Rates are subject to change as our traffic stats increase but adverts currently running are protected from increase until the duration of the placement expires. An advert run starts the day the advert is published on WikiSouthAfrica website and runs for the period paid for.
WikiSouthAfrica is the best website in South Africa to advertise as it receives highly targetted South African traffic, so your advert should be seen mostly by South Africans.