1802: Love Defies Time Teasers September 2023


1802: Love Defies Time is a fantasy drama that narrates a one-of-a-kind romance story through time and space. The show revolves around Khosi and Melisizwe’s journey to finding true love when their fate is decided.

Premiere episodes of 1802: Love Defies Time air on 1Magic from Mondays to Wednesdays at 20h30.

1802 Love Defies Time

Monday 4 September 2023
Episode 55

Mothers and Monsters

On their quest to get Khosi back as per the twin’s interpretation of Melisizwe’s dream, Melisizwe and Xesibe are met with an obstacle that demands the life of Melisizwe as payback for his sins of the past.

Tuesday 5 September 2023
Episode 56

Souls and Spirits, Lost and Found

Xesibe’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain as it has opens the path for Melisizwe to succeed in his quest to get Khosi back. The two lovers are finally reunited. Longamo continues to rule with an iron rod when he threatens to punish MaMpinga for helping a sick child during the national fast.

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Wednesday 6 September 2023
Episode 57

Perilous Plague

Nkosazana is unimpressed with Lizeka for being the one who filled Khosi’s head with ideas that made her leave Zuko at the altar. MaMpinga is unimpressed with Nomasomi for sleeping with Longamo and calls her to task about it while the plague continues to take lives.
Monday 11 September 2023
Episode 58

Khosi Causes Chaos

Khosi’s return to the 1800s is received with mixed emotions. Some want her gone while others want her to stay. Melisizwe and MamThembu beg for Khosi to stay but their efforts are futile. Longamo wants Khosi dead.

Tuesday 12 September 2023
Episode 59

Manipulations and Maneouvres

Melisizwe and MamThembu are suspicious of Longamo’s sudden change of heart concerning Khosi when he wants her back to the kingdom to “help” those affected by the plague. Khosi’s family apologizes to Zuko for being left at the altar, but a hurt Zuko tells them he wants everything he’s given to the family, back.

Wednesday 13 September 2023
Episode 60


Melisizwe comes clean to his mother about marrying Khosi and MamThembu is overjoyed but cautions Melisizwe to be smart with how he’s going to handle this since Nomabali is still in the picture.

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While Khosi helps save the people from the plague, Melisizwe pops the question. Meanwhile, Nomabali wants Longamo to get rid of Khosi.
Monday 18 September 2023
Episode 61

Dreams and Delusions

After saying yes to Melisizwe’s proposal, Khosi gathers the courage to confide to the Royal Inyanga about her infertility issue, but he insists that Khosi is the chosen one to bear the future leader of the kingdom. Khosi is hurt when Nomabali tells her that in Khosi’s absence, she and Melisizwe got back together.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Episode 62


Khosi confronts Melisizwe about Nomabali and expresses how hurt she is that he didn’t have faith that she would be back. Nomabali isn’t ready to give up on Melisizwe without a fight and forges an alliance with an unlikely ally. Athi receives the shock of her life when she makes a big discovery.

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Episode 63

Plague Upon Plague

Another nasty rash has plagued the kingdom and has everyone worried. Longamo resists his mother’s idea to marry Khosi. MamCwerha attempts to force Khosi into being with her son because technically, Longamo paid lobola for Khosi.
Monday 25 September 2023
Episode 64

  1802: Love Defies Time Teasers December 2023

Cows on the Move

MaMpinga has to tell MamCwerha that Khosi isn’t a virgin when MamCwerha insists that Khosi does a virginity test. Pissed off by being forced to be with Longamo, Khosi decides to return Longamo’s cows, while Athi and Lerumo bond over a potentially tragic situation.

Tuesday 26 September 2023
Episode 65


Water turns to blood in the village – everyone is shocked, wondering what this could mean. Is this yet another message from the ancestors? Nomasomi’s reed breaks at the Reed Dance proving that she’s not a virgin. Athi insists on terminating her pregnancy because of all the strain she’s getting from Zuko and his father.

Wednesday 27 September 2023
Episode 66

Like Father Like Son

MamPinga is attacked for allowing a non-virgin to take part in the Reed Dance and Nomasomi attempts suicide. The villagers fear for their lives as the lack of water continues to plague them, and fears grow that there will soon be no food. A determined Athi takes a step closer to terminating her pregnancy.


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