List of Marble Hall Postal Codes and Zip Codes


Marble Hall is a town in the south of the Limpopo province of South Africa. It was formerly in Mpumalanga province.

In this article, we will be looking at the full list of Marble Hall Postal Code and Marble Hall Zip Codes of all area in one of South Africa’s beautiful city. Postal codes and Zip codes in South Africa comes in four digits.

  List of Ethwathwa Postal Codes and Zip Codes

What are the postal codes and Zip codes of suburbs in Marble Hall? We will be finding out soon enough. Below are the Marble Hall Postal Code and Marble Hall Zip Codes by suburbs.

Marble Hall postal code

Full List of Marble Hall Postal Code and Marble Hall Zip Codes

Suburb Zip Code Postal Code
Arabiedam 464 464
Dibasabophelo 457 N/A
Empumalanga 458 N/A
GA-Mampane 467 N/A
Kediketse 454 N/A
Keteke 478 N/A
Kgobokwane 484 N/A
Madlayedwa 460 N/A
Magelembe 466 N/A
Makadikwe 1062 N/A
Marble Hall 450 450
Marble Hall Ext 5 N/A 450
Marble Hall UIT 5 N/A 450
Maswaneng 479 N/A
Mbibane 449 449
Moganyaka 459 N/A
Mpharangope 468 N/A
Msindo 456 N/A
Seven Stad 471 N/A
Siyabuswa 472 472
Sleutelfontein 465 N/A
Strydmag 455 N/A
Tsimanyane 453 N/A
Voorreg 451 N/A
Xipame 452 N/A


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