10 Best Courses to Study in South Africa (University)


All university courses are of one use or the other as they all have specific roles that they play in various human fields. But some courses are considered to be more important than others.  Some courses are more marketable than other ones in South Africa.

Some courses are rather streamlined in nature, while some other ones have broader prospects. Before you register for any course in a South African university, you need to properly investigate. Make sure you apply for those courses that are considered to be more marketable with a broader perspective.

You will have a better chance of getting a job fast or establishing on your own after completing any of these marketable courses. Through this post, you are going to learn about the 10 best courses you can study in South African universities.

These courses have not been arranged in any order of importance.

Best Courses to Study in South Africa

Best Courses to Study in South Africa

1. Medicine and Surgery (MBChB)

Medicine is considered to be one of the most marketable courses in a South African university. Once you complete your training as a medical doctor, you are guaranteed of getting a job fast. Jobs are even awaiting you once you finish.

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The South African population is increasing by the day. Many more people fall sick and they will want to visit hospitals for treatment. This means the curse will always be marketable.

2. Engineering

The engineering industries in South Africa are always on the lookout for worthy graduates in these fields to employ.

Engineering is a very broad course and has been split into several branches some of which are; civil engineering, petroleum engineering, agricultural and environmental engineering, industrial production engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering etc.

Engineers are respected, rated, and rewarded highly and heavily for their services over the years in South Africa. Also, the field of engineering is in relation to our present environment, engineering courses are incontestable with low or no competition.

3. Law

Law is still a very lucrative and profitable profession in South Africa. You don’t need to limit yourself to the courtroom alone. As a South African lawyer, there are many other things to do. You can become an attorney for a big company or even a family lawyer and start earning big.

4. Accounting

Accounting is a top marketable course any day. The services of an accountant are required by virtually all professional bodies, accounting firms.  They are needed to audit accounts and are required to work in several places, like airports, hotels, supermarkets, banks, churches, schools.

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The services of accountants are also required in government establishments. Sometimes the accounting graduate will, however, need to go for professional courses in accounting.

5. Pharmacy

This is another highly marketable course in South Africa. Pharmacy graduates are involved in formulating drugs.  They learn about how drugs work and the side effects of these drugs.

A pharmacy student is also taught about how drugs interact. Some of them can go into private practice by establishing their own pharmaceutical company. They can also seek employment with any of the pharmaceutical companies in South Africa.

6. Nursing

Who does not love seeing nurses especially in their lovely white dress? Nursing is also a marketable course any day. As a graduate of nursing, your possibilities are simply limitless.

You can work both in South Africa and other countries of the world. As it is today, many foreign countries are desperately looking for nurses to employ.  You can travel aboard to get gainfully employed if you do not like the working condition in South Africa.

7. Real Estate and Property Management

Many people have not yet realized how marketable this course can be. This is actually because the South African population is increasing by the day. Many more buildings are being built to meet with this increasing population.

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By learning this course, you help people to manage their property and you get rewarded. This is what property management is all about. There are so many opportunities for real estate and property management professionals both at home and abroad.

8. Architecture

Architecture is a very great course to study in any South African University. One thing about architecture is that it makes you self employed. Architecture is a top course for any South African.

9. Marketing

Marketing degree is also one of the most marketable in South Africa today. Marketers are needed by virtually every business organization. Marketing is a professional thing and this is why any business organization that wants to thrive in the midst of competition will have to employ a marketer.

Most top companies would prefer a marketer from a certified South African University and the fun part is that they get well paid.

10. Journalism

Journalism gives you the golden opportunity to meet new persons daily and as well penetrate both the public and private sectors.

A journalism graduate can work in a TV station or radio station. They can also work in the newspaper industry. He/she can also be employed by the government and can as well go into self-employment and become a freelance journalist.


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