How To Calculate Your APS at Stellenbosch University


The question on your mind is “What is APS“? APS is an abbreviation for Admission Point Score.  Universities in South Africa, use APS points as one of the requirements to determine if an applicant qualifies for their respective programmes. Stellenbosch University has a unique APS calculation that its applicants can make use of to calculate their score.

How To Calculate Stellenbosch University APS

To calculate your APS, you will need to add your six best subject percentages.  Please note that this does not include Life Orientation.

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Applicants are required to meet the minimum APS or fall within the testing band in order to be considered for a specific program. Generally, for each matric subject you write an exam in, you get points.  The points you get for each course totally depends on the percentage you score in that particular subject. The Admission Point Score (APS) is the total points accumulated from each course.

Meeting the bare minimum requirement might not always be enough to get you into your desired degree programme so you really need to study very hard.

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Some courses may require you to submit some other requirements (e.g. portfolio of work, audition of interview). It’s also very important for you to check with the faculty to know what they require from you.

Why do Universities Use APS?

Universities (and Universities of Technology) use APS scores for some few reasons. It’s actually for their own convenience. Thousands of students both home and abroad apply to universities every year and APS score requirements are a simple way of allowing students to know which courses they could qualify for.

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Stellenbosch University APS Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of Stellenbosch University’s APS calculation:

Stellenbosch University APS


One Response

  1. Hiatsinta Amadhila September 17th, 2019

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