7de Laan Teasers December 2023


7de Laan focuses on residents’ lives in and around the community of 7de Laan (7th Avenue) in the suburb of Hillside. 

Premiere episodes of 7de Laan air on SABC2 from Mondays to Fridays at 18h00.

7de laan teasers

Friday 1 December 2023
Episode 5704  

Denzil reassures Ivy. The Hillsiders prepare for a masquerade and Mariaan calls on DeWet for help.

Monday 4 December 2023
Episode 5705 

Karmen invites Denzil for dinner to thank him for arranging the ball. Bonita is excited about the launch of her expanding business.

Tuesday 5 December 2023
Episode 5706 

Vanessa and Ivy are extremely proud of their respective children’s academic achievements. Tanya is surprised to run into Augusta at the clinic who reassures her it is for a general check-up.

  7de Laan Teasers for July 2021

Wednesday 6 December 2023
Episode 5707 

Lesedi draws the wrong conclusion when she sees Vanessa returning Denzil’s jacket.  Werner’s business plan is progressing.

Thursday 7 December 2023
Episode 5708 

Vanessa treats herself and her friends to a luxurious pampering session in anticipation of Bonita’s upcoming launch. Meanwhile, Zee and Uys embark on a well-intentioned mission to assist Augusta with her audition, but their efforts leave Augusta in a more challenging predicament than before.

Friday 8 December 2023
Episode 5709 

Bonita tries to feel motivated from the events of the nightmare, Augusta and Aggie don’t hold anything back when they deliberate the fickle beauty standards.

Monday 11 December 2023
Episode 5710 

The Visagies are ecstatic that Augusta will reprise her role as Alida. Bonita is frustrated that everything has gone pear-shaped but Vanessa encourages her to not give up.

  7de Laan Teasers for April 2021

Tuesday 12 December 2023
Episode 5711 

Ivy lies to Denzil about a possible candidate for her position. DeWet tells Mariaan off and gives her perspective about resolving problems.

Wednesday 13 December 2023
Episode 5712   

Augusta basks in having her loved ones marvel over her project. Bonita is livid at DeWet’s deception.

Thursday 14 December 2023
Episode 5713 

Denzil is in seventh heaven while Alexa makes a horrific discovery.

Friday 15 December 2023
Episode 5714 

Zee appreciates the thoughtful gift from Lesedi. Marvin and Ivy say a prayer of thanks for the time they’ve spent in Hillside.

Monday 18 December 2023
Episode 5715 

Emotions run high in Hillside as Bonita reaches out to Tony and Aggie shares a touching moment with Vee and Eddie.

Tuesday 19 December 2023
Episode 5716 

Vanessa expresses her fears to Lesedi and Denzil and knows she has to act to help her friend. Werner stands up for his family and potentially endangers their lives.

  Getroud Met Rugby Teasers for December 2020

Wednesday 20 December 2023
Episode 5717 

Tjattas’s friends are taken aback by his response to a romantic gesture. Rickus honours his father’s wishes.

Thursday 21 December 2023
Episode 5718 

Zee and Sudesh look forward to starting their life in their new home. Werner’s company is up and running and takes on the first day of business.

Friday 22 December 2023
Episode 5719 

Tjattas returns to the squatter camps and reflects on how far he has come. The Visagies are crazy about their new home.

Monday 25 December 2023
Episode 5720 

The Hillsiders celebrate the festivities as Vanessa finds a quiet moment to remember her friends and family through the years.

Tuesday 26 December 2023
Episode 5721

Series finale!

The Hillsiders and 7de Laan bid farewell to their viewers.

The End.


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