Faltu is an Indian Hindi-language drama television series that revolves around an unwanted girl, Faltu, named Useless after her parents’ frustration at the birth of a fourth girl when they wanted a boy. Faltu is a free-spirited and independent girl who dreams of living her own life. She goes against her parent’s wishes and gets a job in the city. She meets Ayaan, a young man who is also struggling to live up to his parents’ expectations. Faltu and Ayaan fall in love and together they fight against the odds to live their own lives.
Premiere episodes of Faltu air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 18h00.
Friday 1 September 2023
Episode 26
Ayaan confronts Janardhan and decides to reveal his secret; Ayaan gets angry when Tanisha speaks ill of Faltu.
Saturday 2 September 2023
Episode 27
Faltu is in a market buying flowers for Rijula when Pappi sees her, prompting concern that she might get caught.
Sunday 3 September 2023
Episode 28
Pappi and his man go to Rijula’s house, but find she left with Faltu to go to Ayaan’s. Faltu fights with Janardhan.
Monday 4 September 2023
Episode 29
Ayaan and Rijula create a fake story as Faltu enters the Mittal house, but things get tricky when Janardhan encounters Faltu.
Tuesday 5 September 2023
Episode 30
Tanisha insults Faltu for eating on an expensive plate, calling her a servant. Meanwhile, Pappi and Ratan discover Faltu’s location.
Wednesday 6 September 2023
Episode 31
Ayaan is being trained in Garba dance by Faltu. While dancing, Faltu is joined by Pappi and Ratan unexpectedly.
Thursday 7 September 2023
Episode 32
Siddharth plans to expose Ayaan’s elopement, but Ayaan creates a story to derail him while Pappi remains unaffected.
Friday 8 September 2023
Episode 33
Pappi gets angry, but Siddharth resolves the situation; Mittals attend Tanisha’s Mehendi ceremony.
Saturday 9 September 2023
Episode 34
The families shake a leg and rock the stage during Tanisha and Ayaan’s Sangeet ceremony; Charan Singh gives an ultimatum concerning Fatu.
Sunday 10 September 2023
Episode 35
Ayaan instructs Faltu on how to get out of the house for her practice without getting noticed. Meanwhile, Sumitra records a video of them and realises their truth.
Monday 11 September 2023
Episode 36
Sumitra mistakes Faltu for a ghost, but Ayaan’s kindness changes Faltu’s impression of him.
Tuesday 12 September 2023
Episode 37
Villagers demand Charan Singh to bring back Faltu or lose rations; Faltu tricks Sumitra.
Wednesday 13 September 2023
Episode 38
Ayaan discovers Faltu’s vision impairment and talks to her, while her family considers revealing the truth about her condition to the village.
Thursday 14 September 2023
Episode 39
Faltu’s abduction plan is disrupted by Pappi at a wedding, and Tanisha reveals her future plan for Faltu.
Friday 15 September 2023
Episode 40
Faltu comes to Tanisha’s home and saves her from a terrible accident; Sumitra accuses Faltu of being bad luck; Ayaan and Tanisha appreciate her bravery.
Saturday 16 September 2023
Episode 41
The Mittals’ Haldi ceremony takes place, while Pappi plans to abduct Faltu by disguising himself and sneaking into their house.
Sunday 17 September 2023
Episode 42
Faltu stands up against her abductor and seeks justice, while Janardhan is disappointed by Kanika’s choices.
Monday 18 September 2023
Episode 43
Kanika is surprised to find Faltu in the women’s cricket club, but Faltu is upset after learning her name has been removed from the trial match.
Tuesday 19 September 2023
Episode 44
Kanika questions Ayaan about where Faltu is; his lies convince her that he knows the truth about Faltu; she also interrogates Faltu about her day.
Wednesday 20 September 2023
Episode 45
Siddharth convinces Faltu to go with them to the party and gets her drunk. Faltu confesses that Ayaan helped her escape to Mumbai.
Thursday 21 September 2023
Episode 46
Siddharth is frustrated with Faltu’s lack of honesty about Ayaan’s involvement, while Kanika investigates Ayaan’s secrets.
Friday 22 September 2023
Episode 47
Kanika confronts Ayaan for hiding Faltu’s cricket interest, Mittals feel betrayed when Ayaan takes Faltu’s side.
Saturday 23 September 2023
Episode 48
Ayaan is blamed, Faltu apologizes to the Mittals, Tanisha refuses to marry Ayaan, Mittals are shocked.
Sunday 24 September 2023
Episode 49
Faltu makes a firm decision to leave the Mittal house and fight her battle all alone; Ayaan requests that Kanika give Faltu a fair opportunity to demonstrate her talent.
Monday 25 September 2023
Episode 50
Rijula suspects Ayaan’s feelings for Faltu, while Janardhan and Tanisha surprise him with an unexpected present.
Tuesday 26 September 2023
Episode 51
Faltu helps an old woman sell all the things in her store, who later offers her a job and a place to stay. Meanwhile, Pappi gives shocking news to Faltu’s family.
Wednesday 27 September 2023
Episode 52
Siddharth and Pappi plot to kidnap Faltu, causing concern for Charan after learning that the Mittals have rejected Faltu.
Thursday 28 September 2023
Episode 53
Pappi struggles to abduct Faltu due to witnesses; Faltu becomes desperate for money.
Friday 29 September 2023
Episode 54
Pappi kidnaps Faltu for a forced marriage. Ayaan discovers this and is heartbroken, leading him to make a decision.
Saturday 30 September 2023
Episode 55
Ayaan asks Tanisha permission to save Faltu before their wedding; Faltu plans to escape from Pappi’s control.