Faltu Teasers April 2024


Faltu is an Indian Hindi-language drama television series that revolves around an unwanted girl, Faltu, named Useless, after her parents’ frustration at the birth of a fourth girl when they wanted a boy. Faltu is a free-spirited and independent girl who dreams of living alone. She goes against her parent’s wishes and gets a job in the city. She meets Ayaan, a young man struggling to live up to his parents’ expectations. Faltu and Ayaan fall in love, and together, they fight against the odds to live their own lives.

Premiere episodes of Faltu air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 18h00.


Monday 1 April 2024
Episode 239

Ayaan is shocked to find Faltu in Ruhan’s house and assumes she’s having an affair. Faltu tries to explain, but Ayaan doesn’t believe her.

Tuesday 2 April 2024
Episode 240

Ayaan takes seven pheras with Faltu in reverse, severing ties with her for good. Faltu asserts she won’t let Ayaan question her character and leaves the house.

Wednesday 3 April 2024
Episode 241

Ruhan discovers that Faltu has gone missing and blames himself for taking advantage of her. He instructs his manager to locate Faltu and ensure her safety.

Thursday 4 April 2024
Episode 242

Faltu is brought to the hospital where she encounters an unconscious Ayaan and learns about his condition. Ruhan arrives at the hospital to keep an eye on Faltu.

Friday 5 April 2024
Episode 243

  Faltu Teasers October 2023

Tanisha manipulates Faltu and Ayaan, attempting to drive them apart. Feeling conflicted, Faltu resolves to never confront Ayaan again.

Saturday 6 April 2024
Episode 244

Faltu flees to defend her honour, vowing never to return to a place where she’s not respected. Ayaan confronts Ruhan and lashes out, striking him.

Sunday 7 April 2024
Episode 245

Ayaan confronts Ruhan, who admits seeking revenge from Janardhan. Ruhan reveals that Janardhan was responsible for his father’s death.

Monday 8 April 2024
Episode 246

Ayaan questions Janardhan about Ruhan’s father, and Janardhan denies any wrongdoing. Meanwhile, Faltu places trust in a stranger and falls into his trap.

Tuesday 9 April 2024
Episode 247

Ayaan resolves to return Faltu’s belongings to her at Ruhan’s house. Siddharth attempts to dissuade him, but Ayaan persists. However, on his way, Ayaan encounters Faltu’s kidnappers.

Wednesday 10 April 2024
Episode 248

Realising she’s in grave danger, Faltu attempts to flee from her kidnappers. Meanwhile, Ayaan entrusts the business to Siddharth.

Thursday 11 April 2024
Episode 249

Tanisha discovers that Ruhan lied about Faltu being with him and confronts him. Meanwhile, Faltu manages to escape but loses consciousness.

Friday 12 April 2024
Episode 250

Charan Singh visits the Mittals’ house and accuses them of ostracising Faltu from the family. Meanwhile, Faltu senses Ayaan’s presence when he arrives at the Ashram.

Saturday 13 April 2024
Episode 251

Faltu discovers that the Ashram needs an actor to play the role of Parvati in a play and volunteers to do it. Meanwhile, Charan and Janardhan uncover the truth.

Sunday 14 April 2024
Episode 252

  The River Teasers for January 2021

Ayaan and Faltu narrowly miss seeing each other several times at the Ashram. Meanwhile, the Mittals receive shocking news.

Monday 15 April 2024
Episode 253

Tanisha discovers that Faltu is in Nashik and realises she can be in the same Ashram as Ayaan. Meanwhile, Ruhan arrives at the Ashram to take Faltu back with him.

Tuesday 16 April 2024
Episode 254

Ayaan and Faltu are surprised to see each other in the play but maintain their roles. Despite wanting to speak, Ayaan catches Faltu with Ruhan before he can approach her.

Wednesday 17 April 2024
Episode 255

Ayaan witnesses Ruhan and Faltu together and jumps to conclusions about her intentions. Feeling hopeless about Ayaan ever trusting her, Faltu gives up on the future of their marriage.

Thursday 18 April 2024
Episode 256

Tanisha feels delighted as Ayaan misunderstands Faltu and grows anxious about their divorce. Meanwhile, Faltu interrupts Neel’s party and throws trash at him.

Friday 19 April 2024
Episode 257

Ayaan prepares to divorce Faltu after being misled by Tanisha. Meanwhile, when Neel is hospitalised, the police falsely accuse Faltu of causing his condition.

Saturday 20 April 2024
Episode 258

Neel’s grandfather requests Faltu to watch over Neel until his arrival. Meanwhile, Ayaan hesitates to sign the divorce papers, but Savita urges him to proceed.

Sunday 21 April 2024
Episode 259

Janardhan opposes Ayaan divorcing Faltu, but Charan believes it’s for the best. Meanwhile, Faltu delivers an ungrateful Neel to his grandfather.

Monday 22 April 2024
Episode 260

Sumitra discovers Tanisha’s obsession with Ayaan and advises her to start a family with Siddharth. Meanwhile, Brijmohan invites Faltu to stay in his house.

  Faltu Teasers January 2024

Tuesday 23 April 2024
Episode 261

Ruhan confesses to Ayaan about how he manipulated him into distrusting Faltu. While Ayaan realises his mistake, Brijmohan discovers that Faltu is Ayaan’s wife.

Wednesday 24 April 2024
Episode 262

Charan urges Faltu to prove her innocence to the Mittals and to sign the divorce papers. Meanwhile, Ayaan is determined to reconcile with Faltu and bring her back.

Thursday 25 April 2024
Episode 263

Faltu and Charan depart from Brijmohan’s house after Neel speaks poorly of her. Worried about Faltu, Ayaan resolves to find her at any cost.

Friday 26 April 2024
Episode 264

Ayaan is shocked when Savita compels him to make a promise. Meanwhile, Neel saves Faltu and Charan from the thieves.

Saturday 27 April 2024
Episode 265

Ayaan is devastated upon discovering the divorce papers from Faltu. Later, Brijmohan becomes concerned about his upcoming official meeting with the Mittals.

Sunday 28 April 2024
Episode 266

After receiving the divorce papers, Ayaan resolves to find Faltu and apologise to her. Later, he becomes embroiled in a heated argument with Neel during the meeting.

Monday 29 April 2024
Episode 267

When Faltu arrives at Ayaan’s office to deliver an important file, Kingshuk notices her. Ayaan discovers Faltu’s whereabouts and rushes to apologise.

Tuesday 30 April 2024
Episode 268

Despite Ayaan’s pleas, Faltu remains steadfast in her decision not to return with him. Tanisha becomes upset upon learning about Faltu and Ayaan’s meeting.


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