The word ‘’AU Pair’’ is a French term, which means ‘’on par’’ or ‘’equal to’’, denoting living on an equal basis in a reciprocal, caring relationship between the host family and the children.
An au pair is a helper from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take one share of the family’s responsibility for childcare as well as some housework and receive a monetary allowance for personal use. Au pair concept originated in Europe, after World War II.
Au pairs can be expected to do a combination of childcare and lighthouse duties. They are not responsible for housework that does not relate to the children’s or communal living areas that are kept tidy by family members.
State Social Service requires families to pay a one-time fee up to $500 toward educational costs. Au pairs aren’t allowed to work more than 45 hours a week. Becoming an Au Pair is extremely rewarding and satisfying as you get paid on a regular basis. Some benefits of being an Au pair include:
Educational Privileges
As an Au pair, you get to take course nearest to the house you work at a local university or college. The host family gets to contribute a certain fee for your studies.
Travel Experiences
As an Au pair, you get to visit beautiful cities and experience the adventure that comes with settling in a new country. It might be your first time abroad but it is worth every piece.
Gain International Work Permit
Travelling as an Au pair, you get to gain some certain level of work experience in the foreign scene. This would likely improve your Curriculum Vitae and career prospects.
Become Independent
As an Au pair, you tend to become more independent as you get to be far away from family members and learn the rudiments of life. Although, you remain under ones care you are open to more future opportunities.
Meet New People
The best way to make it in life is to know people. As an Au pair, you are open to meeting new people. You tend to have friends in every area you find yourself.
Learning a New Language
As an Au pair, you get to learn new languages. It is evident that you would need to speak to people and at such you get to learn new languages from them.
Become part of another family
Your host family becomes your second family and as such family members get to share a lot of things in common. As an AU pair, you get to enjoy the benefit that comes with having a family.
Living as an Au pair, some people tend to utilize it by going on vacation. You get to be free from business activities and stress in general.
Learning a new culture
Culture is a way of life, hence it is important to learn and adapt to a new culture you find yourself as an Au pair
Life Experiences
An Au pair stands to gain a unique set of life experiences and thus, making you discover more about yourself and make an important life decision.
Access to healthcare
As an Au pair, you get to have privileges to access improved medical healthcare facilities. Health is wealth they say hence, healthcare is important.