Dynasty follows the lives of the Carringtons and the Colbys, two wealthy families who are constantly feuding with each other. The show stars Elizabeth Gillies as Fallon Carrington, Grant Show as Blake Carrington, and Nathalie Kelley as Cristal Jennings. The reboot has been praised for its sharp writing and performances and has been a ratings success for The CW.
Monday 2 October 2023
Episode 19
This Illness Of Mine
As Fallon prepares for the launch of Liam’s book, Liam’s mother returns to Atlanta with a shocking announcement that could derail Fallon’s plans with Liam.
While Blake and Cristal partner up to pursue a nefarious new scheme, Jeff and Culhane get closer to exposing Blake for his illicit activities.
Tuesday 3 October 2023
Episode 20
New Lady In Town
Fallon and Liam team up to exact revenge against Adam, who’s been sabotaging Fallon’s business and personal endeavours. Jeff’s recovery from a mysterious illness is complicated by the arrival of a potent figure from his past – his mother, Dominique.
Wednesday 4 October 2023
Episode 21
Thicker Than Money
Fallon’s pursuit of a game-changing deal for Femperial is complicated when Blake asks her to mentor Adam in all things Carrington and help him retain control of the Atlantix. Meanwhile, a rift arises between Blake and Cristal when he asks her to choose between her family and his.
Thursday 5 October 2023
Episode 22
Deception, Jealousy and Lies
Season 2 finale!
As various members of the Carrington family make the ultimate decision between preserving their legacies and protecting their personal relationships, allegiances are tested… while dark secrets from the past resurface.