Isono Teasers for April 2021


Isono: The Sin is a South African telenovela set in Vosloorus which tells the story of a heroic son – born into a dysfunctional family – who searches within himself for the strength to stand up against a powerful and evil matriarch who will stop at nothing to serve her own needs.


Thursday 1 April 2021
Episode 108

The Broken Wedding Bells

Happy news for Ayo means heartbreak for Abednego.

Monday 5 April 2021
Episode 109

Happy Yanga Day

A nervous Ayo builds good relations with her future mother-in-law Mary. Yanga turns into Father Christmas as he blesses the HOG kids with gifts and cash, but things turn sour for him.

Tuesday 6 April 2021
Episode 110


Mary wrongfully accuses Mncedisi of stealing from her. Gabriel is caught in his lies by Ayo. Esther gets jealous of Makwande’s new fling.

Wednesday 7 April 2021
Episode 111

I have a way out

Gabriel finally tells Ayo the truth about his dark past and is surprised at her response. A stressed out Yanga is scared into action by Mary but things go from bad to worse for him whilst Makwande, still on cloud nine from his evening with Zoleka, is in for a huge surprise.

  Generations: The Legacy Teasers for June 2021

Thursday 8 April 2021
Episode 112

Trust no-one

Zakwe convinces Yanga to try his hand at gambling. Esther finds a new suspect in the nude’s leak saga and things between Pastor Abiola and Sara reach boiling point.

Monday 12 April 2021
Episode 113


Gabriel’s gain proves to be Zakwe and Yanga’s loss as the two kids scramble to find the money they owe Mary. AB has money woes of his own when he decides to steal from the Lebedevs. Meanwhile Esther is left spinning when Mncedisi faces a leak of his own.

Tuesday 13 April 2021
Episode 114

A dark and stormy night

Danger arrives at HOG and leaves a devastating death in its wake.

Wednesday 14 April 2021
Episode 115

Coping methods

A new police presence turns up the heat for Mary’s criminal enterprise. Simon and Makwande each deal with trouble when they struggle to connect with each of their respective love interests.

  Isono Teasers for September 2021

Thursday 15 April 2021
Episode 116


Mother Mary is threatened by one of her own whilst Gabriel struggles to help clean up a mess. Zakwe is tortured by his friend’s death and Simon tries to win Noluthando back.

Monday 19 April 2021
Episode 117

Moving on

Siviwe’s presence is starting to make Mary increasingly uncomfortable but Mncedisi helps her to see the situation in a different light. Esther plans a memorial, while Simon is lost in his own world, creating a perfect date for Noluthando.

Tuesday 20 April 2021
Episode 118

Time to say goodbye

Everyone bids farewell to one of their own and Simon is unsettled when a scrumptious blast from Noluthando’s past makes an appearance.

Wednesday 21 April 2021
Episode 119


Gabriel is concerned that Abednego wants the drugs back. Mncedisi wants to make his relationship with Mary public and threatens to expose her when she declines. Simon is insecure and sets out to bring down Noluthando’s ex-boyfriend, Sanele, who’s back in town.

Thursday 22 April 2021
Episode 120

Slyza Tsotsi

Mary tells AB to shape up or ship out. Abiola’s brother, Damola, arrives. Makwande lies and gets the boot from Zoleka. Sanele takes Simon’s fans.

  Isono Teasers for May 2021

Monday 26 April 2021
Episode 121

Dangerous liaisons

Mary and Mncedisi have an encounter that changes their lives forever. Siviwe continues to hunt down Vorster whilst Esther squares off with Zoleka and Simon makes a fool of himself.

Tuesday 27 April 2021
Episode 122

Is he mad?

Mncedisi does the unexpected and comes clean about his real relationship with Mary. Mary and Esther look like they can’t make it through this one with their relationship intact.

Wednesday 28 April 2021
Episode 123


Mary is able to get Esther to forgive her and schemes with Mncedisi to lie about their relationship. Gabriel enlists the help of Jumima and Simon to help in his lobola negotiations but he will live to regret it. Zoleka has had enough of being understanding and she demands that Makwande choose.

Thursday 29 April 2021
Episode 124

Part of the plan

Gabriel must deal with both the fallout from the dowry negotiations and betrayal from someone he loves. Esther complicates Mary’s plan to get rid of Mncedisi. Things explode between Noluthando and Sanele.


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