How to Earn and Use Your MTN South Africa Loyalty Points


There are many reasons why MTN continues to retain its spot as one of the most loved and used mobile network providers in South Africa, and one of those reasons is the MTN Loyalty program.

This is a program that allows customers in South Africa earn as they spend money on their phones. MTN literally rewards you for the cash you use on your network! These rewards are earned through MTN’s 141 Loyalty Program.

MTN South Africa Loyalty Points

This includes pre-paid customers or pay-as-go customers and also those under contract. Under this program, every R1 spent is equal to one point.

Another beautiful part of this program is that there are no limits to how you spend the cash to earn the points. You could gain points by sending an SMS, by making a call, or by using your mobile data to browse the net, or by purchasing and using Musiq bundles.

Even better, once you are connected to the MTN network, you can keep earning points even if you’re not using your phone. The points are credited to your account immediately you use R1, and so you can constantly check how many points you have.

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So how do you register? To register for the loyalty program, MTN subscribers need to dial *141*9#, select the registration option and enter a valid South African identification number. If you have successfully registered, a message will pop up on the screen indicating that your registration was successful.

Moreover, you will also receive an SMS that will confirm your registration. If you don’t receive a confirmation message after your registration, then you might not have registered properly. You could wait a while and try again, or dial customer care at 135 or 083135.

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To check your balance and see how many points you have, you can dial *141*9*0# to know the points balance, and dial 136 to know your data and airtime balance.

After checking your balance and seeing how many points you have, the next question to ask yourself is how you want to use those points. To use your points for airtime, dial *141*9*2# and select 1 to be specific that you want airtime.

Select the amount you would like by entering the correct number. The amount will depend on the bonuses you have. Once you’re done, select 1 again to confirm your request.

To use your points for internet bundles, Dial *141*9*2# and select 3, which represents internet data. Select the amount you would like by picking the appropriate number, then press 1 to confirm.

For Musiq bundles, Dial *141*9*2# and select 5 to select musiq bundles. Choose the amount you want, and select one to confirm. For SMS, Dial *141*9*2# and select 2 for SMS bundles. Pick your desired amount by entering the appropriate number, then select 1 to confirm.

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The points can also be used to enrol in various competitions with MTN, and can also be donated. For competitions, dial *141*9*2# and enter number 4 to access the competition menu. Select any number that corresponds with the competition of your choice, and select 1 to confirm.

For donations, dial *141*9*2# and select 6 which represents donations. Enter any number of choice that corresponds with the donation of your choice, and select one to confirm. You should note that each service costs a different amount of points, which you’ll need to ascertain before purchase.

You cannot transfer your MTN loyalty points to another person, but they will gain points from using airtime that you transfer to them. Remember, you need to register before you can start earning rewards.

So there you have it, that’s how to use and earn your MTN Loyalty points. Now you can join 15 million other South Africans in one of the continent’s largest loyalty programs.


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