Arendsvlei Teasers September 2023


Arendsvlei is a South African television drama series that is set in the fictional community of Arendsvlei, a small town in Cape Town, South Africa. It revolves around the lives of diverse residents and follows the interwoven stories of various characters, including students, teachers, parents, and other community members.

Arendsvlei airs on kykNET & Kie from Mondays to Thursdays at 19h30.


Monday 4 September 2023
Episode 197

Beatrice goes to the police about the hole in the fence and a dodgy car which idles around at the school. Bianca makes peace with Zyla and Saartjie. Lennie starts packing up the gym after Bompie comes to collect Desmond’s money.

Tuesday 5 September 2023
Episode 198

The situation at the school becomes more and more dangerous and Beatrice needs to take action. Lennie says goodbye for a while. Saartjie becomes increasingly suspicious of Zyla.

Wednesday 6 September 2023
Episode 199

Thys gives Bianca good advice regarding going into business with her sister. The Cupidos upgrade the security at the school after the gangster intruded on Sasha’s class. Dawn tells Clint some disturbing things about Abigail.

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Thursday 7 September 2023
Episode 200

Beatrice makes up her mind about her and Clint. Zyla manipulates Bianca. Learners and teachers are feeling unsafe at the school.

Monday 11 September 2023
Episode 201

Hein wakes up with a strange restlessness on the eve of his birthday. Thys and Bianca’s relationship is on shaky grounds, as Zyla continues to create confusion and distrust. Bompie primes his men to launch a full-on war on the school.

Tuesday 12 September 2023
Episode 202

Adam convinces the soccer boys to start carrying weapons. Ayesha tells Langes that she won’t allow him to derail her class again. Hein and Yvette realise that the romance between them is over.

Wednesday 13 September 2023
Episode 203

Beatrice and Thys are feeling positive because there had not been any case of intimidation at the school for a while, but then things suddenly get a lot worse. Zyla continues scheming behind Bianca’s back but Saartjie is suspicious an decides to test her.

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Thursday 14 September 2023
Episode 204

Beatrice and Thys are confronted by irate parents. Hein waits for the mysterious woman to arrive at the bakery. Bianca is distraught by the video on social media of Thys wrestling with the gangsters.

Monday 18 September 2023
Episode 205

Beatrice does not trust the calm at the school. Zyla knows that Saartjie is onto her. Ruby must make a decision about her future.

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Episode 206

Janice rallies up the women of Arendsvlei to march to Desmond. Bianca discovers the drugs which Zyla planted in Saartjie’s bag. Birdy gives Hein a magical and surreal gift. Yvette and Hein organise a farewell party for Ruby.

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Episode 207

Desmond tells Bompie that the plan to win the war against the Cupidos are still well in motion. Lennie is finding his bliss far away from Arendsvlei and Eva. Hein has a disturbing dream in which Birdy asks for help.

Thursday 21 September 2023
Episode 208

Saartjie and Thys make plans to expose Zyla’s lies. After a near death incident with Birdy, Hein gets to know her better. Lennie is curt with Brille over the phone and meets someone while fishing.

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Monday 25 September 2023
Episode 209

The chickens come home to roost for Zyla. Bianca doesn’t know how to mend her relationship with Saartjie. Hein doesn’t want Birdy to leave.

Tuesday 26 September 2023
Episode 210

Desmond plants a dangerous idea in Adam’s mind. Janice and Saartjie sympathise with Zyla and urge Bianca to give her a second chance. Birdy and Hein take their strange relationship to the next level. Lennie gets to know his new surroundings.

Wednesday 27 September 2023
Episode 211

Desmond gives Adam his first job. Zyla asks Bianca’s forgiveness and admits that she has been opportunistic at her family’s expense. Hein asks Birdy to marry him and she says yes.

Thursday 28 September 2023
Episode 212

Hein announces that he is engaged to Birdy and everyone is very concerned. Adam talks to Anthony and manipulates him into asking Beatrice and Thys to let him back on school grounds. It’s a sad farewell for Zyla and Saartjie.


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