One brutal truth is that the right fibre packages could be the difference between you saving considerable amounts of money on data and wasting a lot more on shady deals.
It is therefore crucial therefore to stay on the lookout for affordable deals. This does not mean that you compromise on the quality of internet connection you settle for.
On the contrary, always choose a connection that guarantees fast speeds without unnecessary cutoffs.
The need to stay connected to family friends in the world, start profitable home-based jobs, get up to date on office work tasks and complete student projects and assignments have pushed many South Africans to tirelessly search for reliable solutions to their internet needs.
These needs are a balance of affordability, durability and connection strength. If you are one of these people, fear not, as many internet providers have stepped in with sweet deals, and we are here to show them to you. Here is a list of the best fibre packages in South Africa.
One of the most common internet solution providers in South Africa is MWEB. Taking a look at its service provision, you can easily tell that this is one of the companies that cares for its customers. Here are MWEB’s fibre deals;
50GB – 10/5Mbps at R559; 100GB – 10/5Mbps at R609; 50GB – 20/10Mbps at R659; Uncapped 10/5Mbps at R659; 200GB – 10/5 at R709; 100GB – 20/10 at R709; 50GB – 40/20Mbps at R749; 200GB – 20/10Mbps at R892; 100GB – 40/20Mbps at R829; 50GB – 100/50Mbps at R829; 300GB – 10/5Mbps at R859; 200GB – 4-0/20Mbps at R879; Uncapped 20/10Mbps at R929; 300GB – 20/10Mbps at R979; 200GB – 100/50Mbps at R979; 300GB – 40/20Mbps at R1039; Uncapped 40/20Mbps at R1039; 500GB – 10/5Mbps at R1119; 300GB – 100/5Mbps at R1189; 500GB – 20/10Mbps at R1239; 500GB – 40/20Mbps at R1289; Uncapped 100/50Mbps at R1339; 500GB – 100/50Mbps at R1389; 1000GB – 100/50Mbps at R2039.
2. Afrihost
Afrihost continues to offer its customers services that focus on creating an excellent experience for them, as a major player in the world of internet services.
This is a company that understands how important it is for its customers to access the internet regularly and with minimal to no interruptions.
As such, it focuses on creating deals that are almost too good to be true. Affordability is something that is close to the company’s heart just as reliability and winning the trust of their customers is. Here are a few deals on fibre as offered by Afrihost that you definitely do not want to miss;
Uncapped deals: 10Mbps at R647; 10Mbps+ at R727; 20Mbps at R797; 20Mbps+ at R857; 50Mbps at R1017; 50Mbps+ at R1067; 100Mbps at R1267; 100Mbps+ at R1367; 200Mbps at R1417; 200+Mbps at R1517; 1000Mbps at R3017. Capped deals: 50GB at R557; 100GB at R577; 200GB at R617; 500GB at R977; and 1000GB at R1487.
3. Telkom
Due to the fact that it is a major player in the industry, Telkom is one of the major providers of internet services in South Africa.
When rating top 10 internet service providers in South Africa, it is one of those that must be featured for its extensive coverage which guarantees availability and reliability, as well as its juicy deals.
Anyone looking to get connected to a fibre network that will not give them too much hustle should consider it. You can make use of any of the following options;
Uncapped offers: 10/5Mbps at R705.13. Softcap deals 100GB – 10/5Mbps at R705.13; 100GB – 20/10Mbps at R806.1; 200GB – 40/20Mbps at R1007.76; 400GB -100/50Mbps at R1613.3.
4. Vox
Vox will easily be described as a leading ICT company in South Africa with solutions to the common man. It is one of the best internet service providers especially if you are going for supersonic speeds.
Starting with its fibre to the home and business fibre offers, you can almost be sure that your internet woes are long gone. Here are the offers the company brings to the table;
Uncapped business offers: 20Mbps at R2499; 50Mbps at R4499; 100Mbps at R8999; 200Mbps at R12999; 500Mbps at R16999; and 1000Mbps at R27999. Capped business deals: 100GB – 100Mbps at R2499; 200GB – 200Mbps at R2999; 500GB – 500Mbps at R4999 and 2000GB – 1000Mbps at R8999. Home fibre is calculated differently. First, you must select the line speed you want as these are priced differently. Next, you must select the amount of MBs you want since they also come with varied prices, then combine the cost of speed and amount of MBs you want to get the cost of your fibre bundle. Cost of Fibre Line Speed: 4Mbps at R571.50; 10Mbps at R661.50; 20Mbps at R711.50; 40Mbps at R791.50; and 100Mbps at R871.50. Cost of Data Package in MBs: 100GB at R79; 200GB at R159; 300GB at R239; 400GB at R319; 500GB at R399; 600GB at R479; 800GB at R559; 1000GB at R799; and 2000GB at R1599.
5. Axxess
If you are keen on getting services without straining too much for them, then you will love Axxess. This is one of the companies that has structured its offers to be simple and straightforward.
No contracts, no checks on credit, just fast internet connections whenever you need. With such a guarantee, most people would be sold. But, before that, you need to know what the company brings to the table regarding fibre deals. Here are the offers;
Blitzfibre 10/10Mbps uncapped at R629; Opensrve 10/5Mbps at R545; and Frogfoot 10/10Mbps at R579. You need to confirm availability in your area to enjoy these services.