Getroud Met Rugby Teasers for August 2020


Getroud met rugby is a South African television series that revolves around four stars of a Johannesburg rugby team and their wives as they become involved in various interconnected scandals.

Getroud met Rugby is on kykNET Mondays to Fridays at 18h00.

Getroud Met Rugby

Monday 3 August 2020
Episode 11

Bart makes a decision regarding Mia. Maryke’s medical treatment begins. Reitz receives a visit from a blast from the past.

Tuesday 4 August 2020
Episode 12

Blitz and Lienkie discover why Johan can’t stay awake at school. Mia makes a comeback. Reitz asks Amanda an important question.

Wednesday 5 August 2020
Episode 13

Anna declares her love to Reitz. Yvonne meets Lulu’s hippie parents.

  Getroud Met Rugby Teasers for June 2021

Thursday 6 August 2020
Episode 14

Bibi almost reveals her true feelings… Lulu is upset that Yvonne doesn’t like her parents.

Friday 7 August 2020
Episode 15

Nina surprises Reitz. Renate tries her best to get Wynand back. Maryke receives bad news.

Monday 10 August 2020
Episode 16

Fafa asks Bibi a question that can change her life. Thinus tries to find out if Anton is gay. Anna makes a big announcement.

Tuesday 11 August 2020
Episode 17

Maryke finds out about Bibi’s decision. Lulu decides to be honest with Yvonne.

Wednesday 12 August 2020
Episode 18

Kristien finds out Bart has been paying for Madie’s treatment. Koekie and Festus have a request for Fafa and Maryke.

Thursday 13 August 2020
Episode 19

Maryke collapses in the salon. Blitz and Lienkie consider being honest with Johan. Wynand opens up to Renate. Festus and Koekie arrives back home at the Beltrame’s with Nesie.

  Getroud Met Rugby Teasers for October 2020

Friday 14 August 2020
Episode 20

Fafa convinces Maryke to accept help. Wedding arrangements lead to arguments between Reitz and Simon.

Monday 17 August 2020
Episode 21

Maryke receives good news. Bibi tells Koekie the truth about Nesie’s singing.

Tuesday 18 August 2020
Episode 22

Lienkie and Blitz are shocked when they realise Johan knows the truth. Pottie meets Nesie. Kristien has an appointment with her sister.

Wednesday 19 August 2020
Episode 23

Nesie’s audition leaves Pottie in a mess. Jordan takes a special lady on a romantic date.

Thursday 20 August 2020
Episode 24

Nesie finds out she has competition. Simon and Lulu experience a drought. Love is in the air…

Friday 21 August 2020
Episode 25

The Stryder-community holds vigil while Maryke has a serious operation. Nesie and Bibi go on stage.

  Getroud Met Rugby Teasers for September 2020

Monday 24 August 2020
Episode 26

Simon and Lulu’s plans for alone time go horribly wrong. Nesie is still determined to become famous. Bart discovers he has competition.

Tuesday 25 August 2020
Episode 27

A medical study’s results cause shock waves. Blitz takes a big step.

Wednesday 26 August 2020
Episode 28

Maryke is shocked about the truth regarding her mother. Jordan is followed.

Thursday 27 August 2020
Episode 29

Amanda is humiliated by an article that appeared in the news. Candice burns her fingers with two jobs.

Friday 28 August 2020
Episode 30

Koekie and Festus discover Magda’s secret. Candice feels overwhelmed after her first day of filming.

Monday 31 August 2020
Episode 31

Nesie gets ready to show the pompoms what she’s got. ‘In die Krake’ takes over the Willemse-household.


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