List of Museums in Pretoria


Listed below is the complete list of museums that can be found in the city of Pretoria.

Museums in Pretoria

Museums in Pretoria

  • Ditsong National Museum of Cultural History a.k.a. African Window
  • Freedom Park
  • Hapo Museum
  • Kruger House (Residence of the president of the ZAR, Paul Kruger)
  • Mapungubwe Museum
  • Melrose House (The Treaty of Vereeniging which ended the Anglo-Boer War was signed here in 1902)
  • National Library of South Africa
  • Pioneer Museum
  • Pretoria Art Museum
  • Pretoria Forts
  • South African Air Force Museum
  • Transvaal Museum
  • Van Tilburg Collection
  • Van Wouw Museum
  • Voortrekker Monument
  • Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum
  • Sammy Marks House
  • Smuts House Museum
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