Sipho Pityana Biography, Age, Net Worth & Contact Details


Sipho Pityana is the Executive Chairman of Izingwe Capital Limited in Sandton. He is also an Advisor for the Labour Relations Council and the Ministry of Education. Mr. Pityana is also a Consultant on the Forum of Vice-Chancellors of Historically Black University, as well as an Advisor for the Science and Technology Initiative.

He has been the Chairman of Onelogix Group Ltd. since November 22, 2005. He serves as Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Aberdare Cables (Pty) Limited. He serves as a Non-Executive Director of Bytes Technology Group.

Sipho Pityana photo

Sipho Pityana Age

Full details about his date is not known. What we actually know is that as at 2018, he is 59 years old

Sipho Pityana Net Worth

His current estimated net worth will be updated as soon as we get full information about it.

Sipho Pityana Contact Details

We do not have full info on his contact details. It will be updated soon.

Izingwe Capital (Pty) Limited Contact Details

12th Floor
Sandton, Gauteng 2146
South Africa

Phone: 27 11 784 3886
Fax: 27 11 784 3903

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Sipho Pityana Speech

“Rev Stofile is a revolutionary who died with his boots on… When we all sloganeer and cry “amandla” we all look the same. When we sing and chant, our commitment and zeal for the revolution seem to be similar but in our movement as in everywhere else, there are different cadres. There are peacetime revolutionaries and there are true cadres, zemk’ iinkomo magwala ndini.

“Ukufa kusembizeni maqabane, our setbacks are self-inflicted. We have ceded our moral high ground to the opponents. The president of our country takes every opportunity to show disdain and contempt for our constitution. We attack and show disdain for Chapter 9 institutions.

“By the way, I need to remind you that as OR Tambo suffered a stroke, one of the chapters he wrote as a precursor to this country, was a conceptualization of the notion of the Chapter 9 institutions. If you didn’t know that go and read the Harare Declaration. Who are these leaders today who don’t have an understanding of that history?

“We are an ANC that can rightly claim that we are champions of human rights and not because it’s a western concept. We were amongst the first to adopt the African and people’s rights, no one asked us to, that’s why you have a bill of rights in the Constitution. But it must be a great shame that under our own government, we kill in cold blood with horrific brutality, workers for going on strike.


One Response

  1. Jabulani Lekhuleni October 23rd, 2019

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