Suidooster Teasers for August 2021


Suidooster is an Afrikaans TV series that centers around a small shopping and business centre situated in the fictional Cape Town suburb of Ruiterbosch where the lives and activities of three families are in focus.

The families are The Octobers, The Samsodiens and The Du Plooys. These families share their joys, sorrows, disputes, romances, revenge and retaliation, misunderstandings, and jealousies.


Monday 2 August 2021
Episode 1334

Bridgette comes to a decision regarding Oos Wes, while Danni forgets about an appointment. Ty is excited to share his plans for the future with Carlo.

Tuesday 3 August 2021
Episode 1335

Ty is upset about Carlo, but Lee-Ann gives him good advice and he tries again. Danni and Siya get a great opportunity with their sales for the church, while Bianca and Kaashifa are looking for answers about Oos Wes.

Wednesday 4 August 2021
Episode 1336

Bianca is struggling to find financial backing, while Lee-Ann tries hard to support Ty with Carlo. Mrs J’s wishes have been disregarded and she chastises the culprits.

Thursday 5 August 2021
Episode 1337

Mrs J tries to make peace with Danni, but it’s easier said than done. Kaashifa tries to hide her plans from Bianca, while Ty struggles to keep up with all his new duties.

  Suidooster Teasers for December 2020

Friday 6 August 2021
Episode 1338

Kaashifa and Bianca argue over Oos Wes, while Danni tries again to make up with Zoe. Bridgette asks uncomfortable questions about the origin of the products that the people from the church are selling.

Monday 9 August 2021
Episode 1339

An impossible situation makes a villain out of Elana, and AB tries to keep the peace in his houehold. Another full day forces Ty to move mountains, while Nazeem gets to play the hero…

Tuesday 10 August 2021
Episode 1340

Bianca considers Nazeem’s proposal. Wade is in trouble and Ty comes to a realisation.

Wednesday 11 August 2021
Episode 1341

Kaashifa is excited about her future plans but not everyone is as enthusiastic as she is. Lee-Ann has her hands full with Carlo, and Neil offers a solution to solve the financial problems the church is facing …

Thursday 12 August 2021
Episode 1342

Bianca tries to respond positively to her setback, while Chris and Werner become even closer. Lee-Ann and Ty make a big decision …

Friday 13 August 2021
Episode 1343

Bridgette tackles Lee-Ann about her moving plans. Siya nips, but Danni continues selling the tablets. Kate returns sooner and surprises the wrong person.

  Muvhango Teasers for November 2021

Monday 16 August 2021
Episode 1344

The tension between Bianca and Kaashifa boils over, and Oos Wes suffers. Ty’s new househould is adapting well, while Werner is secretly plotting against Chris.

Tuesday 17 August 2021
Episode 1345

The Daniels household argue over the school concert, while Oos Wes struggles to keep up with orders. Werner sets his evil plan in motion.

Wednesday 18 August 2021
Episode 1346

Lee-Ann tries to restore the peace, while Danni makes another attempt to get their money back. Kaashifa works tirelessly to prove herself, but things don’t go as smoothly as she’d hoped for.

Thursday 19 August 2021
Episode 1347

Danni and Siya come to terms with what was said between them. Rhafiek is shocked when he sees Bianca and Kaashifa lashing out at each other, while Carlo is looking forward to the school concert.

Friday 20 August 2021
Episode 1348

Mymoena confronts Kaashifa, who consequently reaches out to Bianca. Neil sets his sights on Elana and Susan as his new victims, while Werner’s evil plans are coming together.

Monday 23 August 2021
Episode 1349

Chris confronts Werner about the late-night delivery, while Bianca and Kaashifa make an effort to meet each other halfway. Lee-Ann admits to being snappy with Carlo, while Neil makes Elana an irresistible offer.

  Suidooster Teasers March 2024

Tuesday 24 August 2021
Episode 1350

Bianca reaches breaking point, while Ty tries to organise alone time with Lee-Ann. Neil keeps on pestering Elana and Susan.

Wednesday 25 August 2021
Episode 1351

Werner’s plan against Chris comes to fruition. Kaashifa pretends everything is under control at Oos Wes, while Lee-Ann tries to establish new rules in Ty’s house.

Thursday 26 August 2021
Episode 1352

Bianca turns over a new page, while Kaashifa struggles. Lee-Ann and Ty argue again, and everyone waits for Chris’ return, but is this the end of his woes?

Friday 27 August 2021
Episode 1353

Kaashifa has a rocky start to her day, while Justin struggles to keep his cool. Ty gets valuable advice and Chris tries to make the best of an impossible situation.

Monday 30 August 2021
Episode 1354

Bianca can’t stand by and watch while Oos Wes is in trouble. Carlo does something that upsets Ty even more, and Bennie meets Susan’s sister.

Tuesday 31 August 2021
Episode 1355

Chris’ situation is becoming even more desperate, while Lee-Ann feels increasingly guilty about Carlo. Nazeem gives Bianca advice about Oos Wes, but will she act on it?


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