10 Things You Should Do After Failing Matric


We all have disaster stories of horrible exams and the treacherous days that follow. It may even be shocking and unexpected. This mixed with low self-esteem can make this a very difficult time.

Actively working through the exam and self-care afterwards will leave you with your head held high rather than ashamed of the experience. Here are steps you can take to move forward and upward.

Things to Do After Failing Matric

Things to do after failing Matric

1. Be positive

First of all, you need to build your confidence, start stepping outside of your comfort zone. Have a positive attitude and also put yourself and your future first. Confidence is important in achieving the right steps on your path to success.

2. Remember that Other People Fail Too

Most people don’t talk openly about their failures, so you’re not the only one that failed the exam. Even some people better than you failed but putting up a positive vibe is important in moving on.

3. Talk to a friend

Call a friend or family member that you know always supports you at a time when you aren’t feeling your best. Take a break from exams and the stress of school through chatting with friends about their lives. Listening to what’s going on in their lives helps you gain a new perspective.

4. Do something you love

Enjoying something that you love can help get your mind off of tests and grades. After a rough exam watching a couple of movies or playing games can help.

5. Read a book or magazine

Reading a book, similar to listening to music, can shift your mind to another world. Pick up your favourite novel or continue something you’ve been reading and allow your mind to wander to another place.

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6. Consider another higher education institution

If getting admission to a particular institution is tough, it is advisable to check out other options, both public and private. Some institution matric can be very difficult, so considering an easier institution might be helpful.

7. Consider a different course or part-time study

While it may be too late to register at a public institution, private institutions often continue to accept enrolments if they have space left. You should also consider changing your if getting admission to that particular course has been difficult and if you think waiting to write another matric is a long time and you don’t have enough time to prepare for 1 more year, you can go into business and then apply for part-time study the following year.

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8. Vocational training

Another option available to you is to consider vocational training like computer training, tailoring etc. This can help in opening employment opportunities and can also help in passing time before retaking the matric.

9. Goal Setting

Goal setting should be something that everyone as to put in place but I see so many people with no goals at all. It’s important to get into the habit of writing down goals and working towards the goals. So after failing, what next??? anything you set, just make sure you reach the goal.

10. Remember that life goes on

Acknowledging that a failed exam doesn’t alter your entire life alleviates the fear that always seems to reside when getting back a poor grade. Take time to remember who you are, and then act out of that person.

FAILURE is not the end of life


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