A trademark is a mark, word, symbol, signature that has been legally established for the purpose of distinguishing those goods or services from similar goods or services connected with other businesses. In South Africa, the Trademark Act of 1993 was introduced. You can register your own slogan, logo, name, domain name as your Trademark with the CIPC.
The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission administer the Register of Trade Marks, which is the official record of all the trademarks that have formally been applied for and/or registered in the Republic of South Africa, since 1916.
Requirements for Trademark Registration in South Africa
- Power of Attorney
- Priority Documents
- Details of the Applicant which includes full names, Physical address and Nationality/country of incorporation
- Details of the Trade Mark(s) which may be wordmark or logo
- List of goods and/or services
- Details of priority Application
Procedure for Trademark Registration in South Africa
- You’d submit an online application requesting the registration of your desired trademark through a local attorney
- A database search at the Registrar of Trade Marks to determine whether there are any marks registered which are similar to yours
- If the trade name is accepted by the registrar, the applicant will receive a confirmation of registration.
- Accepted trademarks will be published for opposition purposes.
If no opposition is filed, the registration certificate will be issued.