Timeless Love Teasers March 2024


Timeless Love is a Hindi drama series that follows the story of Devvrat Raichand, a middle-aged self-made businessman, and Vidhi Sharma, a young woman who falls in love despite their age gap. The couple must face numerous hurdles and societal prejudices to be together.

Premiere episodes of Timeless Love air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 19h30.

Timeless Love

Friday 1 March 2024
Episode 289

Jai rejects Amba’s offer to team up with him against Vidhi and Dev; Amba leaves a clue for Vidhi at Jai’s office.

Saturday 2 March 2024
Episode 290

Jai is taken aback when Vidhi firmly announces her decision to resign from his company. Later, he devises a plan to change Vidhi’s mind.

Sunday 3 March 2024
Episode 291

Jai organises a farewell for Vidhi and executes a plan to harm her unborn child; Vidhi tumbles down the steps; Dev rushes Vidhi to the hospital.

Monday 4 March 2024
Episode 292

Vidhi and Dev are shattered after learning about the miscarriage, and Sakshi suspects Jai of the mishap and decides to find out his motive.

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Tuesday 5 March 2024
Episode 293

Dev tries to soothe Vidhi as she tries to get through a heartbreaking situation, and Jai rejoices over the success of his plan.

Wednesday 6 March 2024
Episode 294

Dev tells Jai to stay away from Vidhi after discovering his plan, and Jai aims to start his revenge plan against Chitra.

Thursday 7 March 2024
Episode 295

Chitra praises Jai for protection, blames Dev for absence in her difficult time; Dev later feels guilty.

Friday 8 March 2024
Episode 296

Satyavati advises counseling for Dev and Vidhi’s mental peace; Vidhi rejects Jai’s offer to return to the office.

Saturday 9 March 2024
Episode 297

Dev takes Vidhi to Bal Ghar, and interacting with the children makes her feel better. Later, Vidhi apologises to Jai.

Sunday 10 March 2024
Episode 298

Amba expresses her sadness regarding the incident to Vidhi, apologises on behalf of Vikram, and asks for a chance for him to redeem himself.

Monday 11 March 2024
Episode 299

Vidhi gets an offer to work at the Raichand office again. The doctor tells Dev and Vidhi that they should plan for another baby.

Tuesday 12 March 2024
Episode 300

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Bimla senses a bad omen looming over her as something unusual happens inside the temple; Vidhi is nowhere to be found.

Wednesday 13 March 2024
Episode 301

Jai acts strange to keep Vidhi close to him; while Vidhi attempts to flee from his captivity, Dev seeks the help of a gangster to locate her.

Thursday 14 March 2024
Episode 302

Convinced that she kidnapped Vidhi, Dev issues a warning to Amba; when she appears innocent, Dev starts to doubt Jai.

Friday 15 March 2024
Episode 303

Jai threatens Vidhi with dire consequences if she doesn’t sign the divorce papers; Dev arrives at Jai’s residence.

Saturday 16 March 2024
Episode 304

After getting the divorce papers, Dev understands Vidhi’s secret message to him. When Jai gets excited about his wedding, Vidhi sends him to the Malapani Devi temple.

Sunday 17 March 2024
Episode 305

Dev breaks out of the police station to rescue Vidhi by asking Bimla to help him catch Jai; Vidhi helps Dev get into the place she’s being kept.

Monday 18 March 2024
Episode 306

Seeing Vidhi does not love him, Jai attempts to kill Dev in rage; the police barge into Jai’s residence and arrest him.

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Tuesday 19 March 2024
Episode 307

The doctor suggests a conception method for Vidhi and Dev. Amba meets Chitra and proposes a request.

Wednesday 20 March 2024
Episode 308

Hariprasad insists on leaving home for a few days and acts strangely with Bimla, making her concerned. Later, Dev and Vidhi decide to meet Hariprasad.

Thursday 21 March 2024
Episode 309

Everyone is shocked when Hariprasad slaps Dev to conceal his truth; Amba plans her next move to ruin Dev and Vidhi’s life.

Friday 22 March 2024
Episode 310

Hariprasad regrets his behaviour and apologises to Dev; Dev decides to donate his liver to Hariprasad for better treatment.

Saturday 23 March 2024
Episode 311

Hariprasad gets reluctant to let Dev take such a risky step by donating an organ; Dev persuades him, and the surgery begins.

Sunday 24 March 2024
Episode 312

While Hariprasad and Dev live happy and healthy lives, Amba pursues her goal; she seeks God’s blessing and begins the IVF treatment using Vidhi’s identity.

Monday 25 March 2024
Episode 313

Series finale!

Amba realises her mistake and seeks forgiveness from the Raichands for putting them in trouble; the Raichands congratulate Vidhi and Dev on their new journey.


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