ANC History, Founders, Flag, Membership & Website


African National Congress was founded in 1912 to defend and advance the rights of the African people after the violent destruction of their independence and the creation of a white supremacist Union of South Africa.

It is governing political party of the Republic of South Africa. ANC has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa since the election of Nelson Mandela in the 1994 election. Cyril Ramaphosa has served as leader of the ANC since 18 December 2017.

ANC Logo


The aims and objectives of the ANC are:

2.1  To unite all the people of South Africa, Africans in particular, for the complete liberation of the country from all forms of discrimination and national oppression;

2.2  To end apartheid in all its forms and transform South Africa as rapidly as possible into a united, nonracial, non-sexist and democratic country based on the principles of the Freedom Charter (Appendix 2) and in pursuit of the National Democratic Revolution;

2.3  To defend the democratic gains of the people and to advance towards a society in which the government is freely chosen by the people according to the principles of universal suffrage on a common voters’ roll;

2.4  To fight for social justice and to eliminate the vast inequalities created by apartheid and the system of national oppression;

2.5  To build a South African nation with a common patriotism and loyalty in which the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of the people is recognised;

2.6  To promote economic development for the benefit of all;

2.7  To support and advance the cause of women’s emancipation;

2.8  To support and advance the cause of national liberation, development, world peace, disarmament and environmentally sustainable development; and

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2.9  To support and promote the struggle for the rights of children and the disabled.

How to join the ANC

Membership of the ANC is open to all South Africans above the age of 18 years, irrespective of race, colour and creed, who accept its principles, policies and programmes and are prepared to abide by its Constitution and rules.

To join the ANC:

  1. Contact the Secretary of your nearest ANC branch. The appropriate ANC Provincial or Regional Office can assist you with the name and contact details of the branch.
  2. Print out and complete the membership application form and post or fax it to the membership officer in your province, (see below) together with the annual membership fee of R20.00.


4.1  Membership of the ANC shall be open to all South Africans above the age of 18 years, irrespective of race, colour and creed, who accept its principles, policies and programmes and who are prepared to abide by its Constitution and rules.

4.2  All persons not of South African origin who have manifested a clear identification with the South African people and their struggle and are resident in South Africa may apply for membership.

4.3  The National Executive Committee may, acting on its own or on the recommendation of Branch or Provincial Executives Committees, grant honorary membership to those men and women who do not qualify for membership under Rule 4.1 and 4.2, but who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the ANC and its policies.

4.4  Applications for membership shall be considered by the Branch Executive Committee (where such exists) in consultation with the Branch General Meeting, and by the Regional Executive Committee, if no Branch Executive Committee exists. The Branch Executive Committee, the Regional Executive Committee, or such interim structures as the Provincial Executive Committee or the NEC may create from time to time to decide on applications, may accept or refuse any application for membership provided such acceptance or refusal is subject to review by the next higher organ of the ANC.

  1. 5 Membership cards shall be issued to registered members of the ANC.
    • Persons whose applications for membership have been accepted, subject to review as provided for in Rule 4.11, shall be issued with:
      • A temporary membership card; and
      • An acknowledgement of provisional membership and the details of the Branch and constituency/area in which the applicant resides and any available information about the local Branch structures.
    • Membership and temporary membership cards referred to in Rule 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 above shall be issued, subject to payment of the prescribed subscription fee.
    • Provisional membership shall apply to persons who wish to join the Organisation for the first time or who wish to rejoin the Organisation after a considerable lapse of time or circumstances determined by the NEC.
    • Provisional membership rights commencefrom the date of production of acknowledgement following receipt of the application and the appropriate membership subscription. A provisional member may attend Branch meetings only in a non-voting capacity.
    • Any objection to any application for membership may be made by any member of the ANC to the Branch, Regional or Provincial Secretary within 6 (six) months of the notification.
    • At any time before the individual is accepted as a full member of the Organisation, or in exceptional circumstances even after the member has been admitted, the Secretary General may rule that the application or the membership be rejected if it was obtained invalidly.
    • In the absence of any objection from the structures and/or any ruling by the Secretary General, the applicant shall, on the expiry of 6 (six) months from the date of notification of provisional membership, become a full member. The provisional member shall then be transferred to the national membership list as a full member as soon as is practicable.
    • The reasons for the rejection of an application for membership by the Secretary General or the objection to the application for membership must be sent to the individual applicant in writing.
    • Members shall pay an annual subscription fee as determined by the National Executive Committee.
    • Non-earning members or those on reduced incomes shall pay such fees as determined by the NEC.
    • On being accepted in the ANC, a new member shall, in a language he or she knows well, make the following solemn declaration to the body or person designated to administer such oaths:
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“I, […], solemnly declare that I will abide by the aims and objectives of the African National Congress as set out in the Constitution, the Freedom Charter and other duly adopted policy positions, that I am joining the Organisation voluntarily and without motives of material advantage or personal gain, that I agree to respect the Constitution and the structures and to work as a loyal member of the Organisation, that I will place my energies and skills at the disposal of the Organisation and carry out tasks given to me, that I will work towards making the ANC an even more effective instrument of liberation in the hands of the people, and that I will defend the unity and integrity of the Organisation and its principles, and combat any tendency towards disruption and factionalism.”

  • Members who fail to pay their subscriptions for three months and having been reminded of their lapse by instant messaging service (SMS), will not be regarded as members in good standing until they pay their arrears.
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ANC flag

The ANC flag consists of three different colors– black, green and gold. Black symbolises the native people of South Africa, green represents the land and gold represents the mineral and other natural wealth of South Africa


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