Muvhango is a South African soap drama created by Duma Ka-Ndlovu. It has been running since 7 April 1997 and is currently in its 19th season.
Muvhango airs weekdays on SABC 2 at 21:00.
The Royal House confronts the reality of having to depose Azwindini. Rendani and the girls gossip about last night and Vhutshilo is celebrated. Azwindini turns down Masindi’s suggestion that he depose the council. James suspects that Moliehi had help in pulling off her fake death ploy.
Vho-Masindi confronts Mulimisi about putting strange ideas in Azwindini’s head. Susan apologises for not believing in her son. Vho-Masindi challenges Azwindini to not take his deposition lying down. KK suspects that Kgosi is the one who wrote the letter.
Imani has organised a mini celebration for James at the office. Azwindini apologises to Susan for hurting her. Vhutshilo doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. Vho-Masindi tries in vain to get Susan to talk some sense into Azwindini. Tenda tells James that KK helped Moliehi fake her death.
Vhutshilo announces that he’s moving to Joburg. Vho-Makhadzi confirms that they’ve been snubbed for the event at the King’s house. James confronts KK.
Vhutshilo is unhappy about his father’s resignation from the Chieftaincy. Gizara tries to talk Azwindini out of his decision to abdicate the throne. Vhutshilo and Kgosi hang out together. Azwindini announces his resignation. Azwindini explains why he is doing what he is doing.
Kgosi throws up after breakfast. Tenda fires Gugu. Kgosi comes home early and collapses. Gugu tells KK that she will take MMC to court for unfair dismissal. Something invisible and sinister is in KK’s house.
KK enters the secret door and comes out spooked making a call to a mystery woman. Susan is worried that they will lose the royal house should Mulalo become chief but Azwindini reassures her it won’t happen. The mystery woman, known as Master, arrives and goes into the secret room to investigate.
Mulalo reveals to Teboho and Vho-Mukondeleli that Tendamudzimu has demanded the royal council to instate him as chief as soon as possible. Master tells KK he has not been feeding amaboys and they are unhappy.
Azwindini tastes the ramifications of being off the throne. Phusuphusu crows superior over the others, shooting himself in the foot. Rendani and Hulisani return home to an unpleasant surprise. The elders warn Mulalo to keep Phusuphusu away. Letsatsi arrives to service KK’s dark forces.
Azwindini realizes his power was based on his connection to the royal house. Vhutshilo asks Kgosi for a loan. KK buys Marang an expensive bracelet. Rendani agrees to lend Vhutshilo some money. Kgosi sees KK disappearing inside a secret nook in the house and is intrigued.
Marang avoids KK. Tendamudzimu wants to go to the inauguration even if not invited. Kgosi is freaked when he discovers what is inside the secret room. KK orders Kgosi to forget what he saw in the secret room. Rendani doesn’t want to fight with Hulisani.
Vho-Masindi appeals to Azwindini not to throw away his birth right. Mpho tells Tenda she’s waiting for the dust to settle before she serves Azwindini with divorce. Mulalo is given his chiefly name. KK has to sacrifice a life in order in order to appease Amaboys.
Tensions between Vhutshilo and Hulisani reach fever pitch after Vhutshilo finishes Hulisani’s protein powder. KK asks Hangwani to take Kgosi in but doesn’t explain why. Vho-Masindi warns Mulalo’s family doomsday is near. It’s only a matter of time before Mulalo goes crazy and hurts his son.
Armed robbers’ storm into the MMC building where KK and Marang are. After talking it through with Teboho, Mulalo is confident about his future and role on the throne. KK gets shot trying to protect Marang who doesn’t want to give up her engagement ring.
Rendani apologizes to Susan. Mulalo asks Teboho to spearhead the royal house renovations. James and Marang can’t agree on the venue. Hangwani wants to know what’s going on between Kgosi and KK.Master tells KK that bad things will keep happening to him until he does a blood sacrifice for “amaboys”.
KK sets his sights on Mbali for the blood sacrifice. The elders decide to concede to Mulalo and let him move in to royal house. Vhutshilo is running out of options of where to stay. Marang cries on KK’s shoulder, reliving the armed robbery nightmare. The elders tell Azwindini he has to move out.
KK lures Mbali to his house under false pretences. KK makes a move on Mbali and spikes her drink. Mulalo has a confrontation with Azwindini and refuses to stand down. KK seduces Mbali and makes a move on her but she’s not ready. Vhutshilo arrives at Hangwani’s house.
Marang asks KK to teach her to use a gun. Mulalo and Teboho celebrate victory. Master tells KK to leave Mbali alone in the bedroom with ‘amaboys’. Shaz convinces Vhutshilo to return to Hangwani’s house with her – she will protect him. KK gives Mbali a diamond bracelet. Azwindini bids the royal house farewell.
Vhangani declares his loyalty to Azwindini. Vhutshilo and Shaz connect over their shared lack of parental support. KK is spent after sleeping with Master. Mbali gets a text from KK asking her to come over. Mbali arrives at KK’s house and finds Master.
James confides in Imani that he feels that he and Marang are growing apart. Susan is pleasantly surprised by the quality of Vhutshilo’s musical creations. KK offers Mbali money to leave town. Susan gives Vhutshilo her support. Kgosi finds out that KK was in a car accident.
Shaz and Vhutshilo discuss Kgosi’s strange behaviour and Marang finds out KK was in an accident. Amaboys target Marang and she collapses on a visit to KK’s house. Vho-Masindi arrives for the family meal and Teboho humiliates her by relegating her to a different seat.
Tendamudzimu visits Azwindini and taunts him about his new station in life. Susan speaks to Vho-Masindi about making peace with Azwindini, but like her son, she demands an apology first. Azwindini grapples with his decision to step down from the throne. Master tells KK that amaboys want him to sacrifice Marang.
Vho-Masindi intercepts Teboho as she’s chucking things away and confiscates them. KK rages against amaboys. Susan wants to continue working double-shifts and realizes Azwindini hasn’t unpacked the boxes as promised.
KK wakes up on the floor, half-naked. KK leaves the house in just his underwear. Azwindini wakes Susan to make him food. James fears that Marang is getting cold feet. Azwindini insults Susan’s cooking. KK arrives at work in just his underwear.
Marang assures James she is not getting cold feet and wants to marry him. Susan has left without preparing anything for Azwindini. Azwindini has hired Mpfareni for the day. Azwindini cannot pay Mpfareni and Susan refuses to pay his debt.
Master tells Kgosi that she can’t help KK. Kgosi leaves to consult with Mulimisi. Marang promises James she will get rid of the gun. Imani and James almost kiss. KK discovers scales growing on his arm.
KK finds out that ‘ama-boys’ are taking him over. Kgosi visits Vho-Masindi. Teboho consults Mulimisi about the throne. Susan and Azwindini discuss his other wives and children. KK attacks Mulimisi. Kgosi realizes that KK has become a danger to others.
Vho-Masindi sabotages the new throne. Kgosi and Master decide to lock KK inside the house. Pfuluwani tells Azwndini that he’s destroyed her son’s chances of ascending the throne. James admits that he wants to be with Imani and wants to stop the wedding. The scales have spread all over KK’s body.