Imbewu Teasers for July 2020


Imbewu is a South African drama series created by Duma Ndlovu that tells the story of an ambitious business tycoon, Zimele “Ngcolosi” Mkhize who has his heart set on becoming South Africa’s first Black Oil Baron, a legacy he wants to leave to his four children

But things take an unexpected turn when he makes a shocking discovery – he is in fact sterile, and none of the children he is building his empire for are his biological seed, but rather the by-product of a union between his wife and brother orchestrated by his mother.


Wednesday 1 July 2020
Episode 578

Ngcolosi’s guilt consumes him as he suffers nightmares. MaZulu places Phakade in a position that puts his marriage at risk – “the missing black bra” – could the culprit be kaMadonsela? Nomusa’s friends band together to collect items to support Nomusa and her mother.

Thursday 2 July 2020
Episode 579

MaZulu tells Ngcolosi they have been cursed, that’s why they’re having all this bad luck. Ngcolosi’s faced with the battle of having to lie to Pranav’s family, especially because Shria can sense that he’s not telling the truth. The police find blood in the boot of Pranav’s car. But is it his?

Friday 3 July 2020
Episode 580

Nirupa is having wild thoughts about what could have happened to Pranav. Ngcolosi comes clean to Phunyuka and tells him Pranav is dead. Thokozile is worried about getting caught, and the sangoma advises her to shift the blame to someone else.

Lindiwe finds out Nomusa has been sleeping at Emsamo. Khanyo asks her parents if Nomusa can come stay with them.

Monday 6 July 2020
Episode 581

Shria’s Aunt Jyoti arrives. She insinuates that Nirupa is responsible for Pranav’s disappearance. Phakade searches the house for MaZulu’s bra. Thokozile continues with her mind games as she persuades kaMadonsela to let her speak to Phakade on her behalf.

Tuesday 7 July 2020
Episode 582 

The police give a report on the blood found in Pranav’s car and Nirupa’s world comes crashing down. She fears he is dead. Ngcolosi tasks Phunyuka with finding Pranav’s body and alerting the police.

  Imbewu Teasers for August 2021

Thokozile continues to sew seeds of distrust. Hurt by Phakade’s lack of faith in her, kaMadonsela refuses to cook for her husband.

Wednesday 8 July 2020
Episode 583

Nirupa and her family are called to identify a body in the warehouse. They also discover that he might have committed suicide. The Rampersad’s, family and the Bhengu’s grieve the death of Pranav. Nkululeko offers to defend Ngcolosi no matter what. Nomusa settles in into her new home.

Thursday 9 July 2020
Episode 584

Ngcolosi can openly mourn for Pranav now that his body has been found. Shria and Ngcolosi are at loggerheads as Shria is determined to prove that Pranav’s death was not a suicide.

Things continue to be a bit rocky between kaMadonsela and Phakade. Nomusa’s mother pitches up at Phakade’s house and says she has come to take her child back!

Friday 10 July 2020
Episode 585

The Bhengu family meeting almost becomes a war fare between MaZulu and kaMadonsela, will they come to a resolution? Shria hires a private investigator. Mira arrives home and the family start planning Pranav’s funeral. Duduzile also moves into Phakade’s home.

Monday 13 July 2020
Episode 586

Will Shria confront Ngcolosi about Pranav’s death? Jyoti urges Nirupa not to tell other people that Pranav committed suicide. Nirupa pleads with Shria to halt her crusade and focus on grieving Pranav.

Duduzile causes havoc at the Phakade house with her drunken behavior. A sangoma finds MaZulu’s bra at the Phakade house.

Tuesday 14 July 2020
Episode 587

Will kaMadonsela be accused of being a witch again? Kamadonsela packs to leave home. MaNdlovu and MaZulu reel from shock that kaMadonsela cursed MaZulu. Thokozile plants suspicion in kaMadonsela’s mind over whether Phakade helped to set her up.

Nkululeko questions whether MaZulu could have set kaMadonsela up. Will Ngcolosi finally confess about how Pranav really died?

Wednesday 15 July 2020
Episode 588

It’s Pranav’s funeral at the Rampersad house where family and friends have gathered to say their last goodbyes. Shria attacks Ngcolosi for showing his face there. The lines have been drawn between MaZulu and kaMadonsela. While everyone is at the funeral, Duduzile lets her friends into Phakade’s house.

  Imbewu Teasers for November 2020

Thursday 16 July 2020
Episode 589

KaMadonsela is accused of being a witch and is banished from the Bhengu’s to her family home.  MaNdlovu suspects Thokozile is somehow involved.

The Rampersads scatter Pranav’s ashes, and start their 13 days of mourning. Will Ngcolosi finally tell the family how he died? Duduzile announces she will go to rehab.

Friday 17 July 2020
Episode 590

kaMadonsela is left with the burden to admit to a sin she did not commit. Shria is furious to learn Ngcolosi is organising a wake for her father. Duduzile says her goodbyes to the Bhengu’s. Nomusa’s friends see a positive outcome for Nomusa’s mother. Khanyo plans an outing to lift Nomusa’s spirits.

Monday 20 July 2020
Episode 591

KaMadonsela proposes that the family perform the ukucupha ritual to reveal the true culprit. When Thokozile finds out, what will she do next? Shria continues to make it known that she will stop Ngcolosi’s wake for Pranav. Nomusa continues to battle with her university fees, will she continue with her studies?

Tuesday 21 July 2020
Episode 592 

Thokozile tries to get protection against the ukucupha. Phakade asks MaZulu not to go through with the ceremony.  The Rampersad women look through Pranav’s things, and hold on tight to each other. Nirupa persuades Shria to let Ngcolosi go ahead with the wake for Pranav.

Wednesday 22 July 2020
Episode 593

Who will suffer between kaMdonsela and Thokozile after the ukucupha?  Ngcolosi goes to see the Rampersad’s at Nirupa’s request. She grants him permission to go ahead with Pranav’s wake at Maluju. Nomusa visits Duduzile at rehab.

Thursday 23 July 2020
Episode 594

Thokozile makes a confession! Nkululeko is shocked to know that his mother bewitched maZulu. Nkululeko brings the inyanga to cure Thokozile. Zithulele offers Zakithi a job. Zakithi has a mysterious visitor. Nomusa asks for more shifts at Emsamo, and khanyo worries about Nomusa.

Friday 24 July 2020
Episode 595 

MaNdlovu becomes more suspicious as to what is happening to Thokozile as kaMadonsela seems to be fine. The inyanga heals Thokozile. Shria is determined to protect Pranav’s Maluju legacy. Ngcolosi offers Zakithi a job.

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Ngcolosi instructs Phunyuka to throw Shria out of Maluju. Nomusa pushes herself, working too hard to earn money.

Monday 27 July 2020
Episode 596

KaMadonsela confronts Thokozile with her suspicion that she is the one who used muti on maZulu. Will Thokozile confess? Shria and Ngcolosi fight a hard battle at the office as Ngcolosi tries to get her fired.

Nomusa talks to Lindiwe and Sibongile, and they come up with a plan to raise funds at Emsamo to build Duduzile a new house.

Tuesday 28 July 2020
Episode 597

Thokozile hides her guilt and instead tells kaMadonsela about Phakade kissing maZulu. Kamadonsela is distraught. The tension between Shria and Ngcolosi continues to escalate, and he fights with maZulu.

Ngcolosi remembers he has first option to buy Pranav’s shares. Zethu plans her maternity shoot at Emsamo.

Wednesday 29 July 2020
Episode 598

Nkululeko feels betrayed, Zethu admits she told Thokozile about Nkululeko’s secret. KaMadonsela confronts her husband about the kiss, what will she do this time? Thokozile plants the seed at kaMadonsela that MaZulu is her sworn enemy.

Thokozile pushes her evil agenda and tells kaMadonsela that they need to get rid of MaZulu. Ngcolosi’s lawyer Pieter Burger is called to the office!

Thursday 30 July 2020
Episode 599

Phakade is unsettled by maNdlovu’s visit, but learns kaMadonsela hasn’t told her yet about him and MaZulu kissing. Phakade tells maZulu that kaMadonsela knows they kissed. Panicked, MaZulu tries to do damage control by having Khanyo intervene as a pastor to create peace and harmony in the family.

Shria has a lawyer to help her. Nirupa pleads with Ngcolosi not to buy Pranav’s shares.

Friday 31 July 2020
Episode 600

MaZulu goes out of her way to organize a dinner to get the family reconciled. Will kaMadonsela agree to this? Nirupa appeals to Shria to apologize to Ngcolosi, even if she doesn’t mean it – it’s the only way to stop him from buying Pranav’s Maluju shares. Will Shria apologise?

Zethu and Nkululeko finally make peace.


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