Category: Others
Days of Our Lives focuses on the daily suspenseful adventures faced by the people of Salem from the love stories, family troubles to flowering courtships. It also features a lot of drama, love …
Lithapo centers majorly around Nolo, Pabi and the Hlongwane family. It begins with Nolo setting out to find his father, a man he never knew after his mother’s sudden …
Rhythm City is a South African soap drama that focuses on the challenges of youth with ambition in the big city. It has been running since 9 July 2007. Rhythm …
The University of Johannesburg has eight Faculties which offers numerous courses. Below is the list of faculties in the University of Johannesburg College of Business and Economics Faculty of …
Binnelanders is a South African Afrikaans soap opera that centers around the lives of patients and doctors in and surrounding Binneland Kliniek, an up-market private hospital in Pretoria. It features …
The question is: how much will a shower or a bath cost in South Africa in 2022, given the dramatic spike in the prices of electricity over the previous …
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is one that has been founded without the involvement of a government agency. Nonprofit organizations are the most common, although clubs and groups that offer …
Some of the world’s greatest gold mines may be found in South Africa, which produces around 4.2 percent of the world’s gold supply. The majority of South Africa’s gold …
South Africa has a variety of diamond mines since the country is endowed with several mineral resources, and the mining industry has a significant impact on the country’s economy. …
You met an amazing South African girl. She’s gorgeous, funny, intelligent, and doesn’t seem to be out of her mind crazy. Obviously, you want her to be madly in …