These Streets centers around the lifelong relationship between Shantanu (Avinash Mishra) and Puchki (Vrushika Mehta), who were best friends as children. They were raised in a brothel in Kolkata and were inseparable – until they were separated when a rich family adopted Puchki. Years later they meet again and the drama of the series unfolds.
Premiere episodes of These Streets air on Zee World from Mondays to Fridays at 19h00.
Wednesday 1 September 2021
Episode 66
Paro is marrying Shawn despite having an affair with Mohit!
Thursday 2 September 2021
Episode 67
Sukriti wants Asimta to stop her friendship with Shawn but Asmita values Shawn as a friend.
Friday 3 September 2021
Episode 68
Sukriti believes Asmita is disrespecting rituals by celebrating her nuptials and is angry that she involved Ridoy.
Monday 6 September 2021
Episode 69
In front of the Goddess’s idol, Asmita applies the vermilion on her forehead in Shantanu’s name.
Tuesday 7 September 2021
Episode 70
Mohit has some evidence on Shawn that he wants to show to Paro’s grandma who will get Paro and Shawn divorced and get Mohit married to Paro.
Wednesday 8 September 2021
Episode 71
Shawn is committed and acknowledges the union between Puchki and Ridoy and wants Puchi to be known as Asmita Ridoy Mazumdar.
Thursday 9 September 2021
Episode 72
Asmita wants to use a special pen to sign her marriage certificate to Ridoy so that the wedding can be invalid.
Friday 10 September 2021
Episode 73
Asmita takes sleeping pills so that she can aviod taking the wedding vows and to keep her promise.
Monday 13 September 2021
Episode 74
Shawn wants Asmita to give Ridoy a chance so that he can win her heart over.
Tuesday 14 September 2021
Episode 75
Ridoy accuses Asmita of cheating.
Wednesday 15 September 2021
Episode 76
Beauty and Paro conspire against Shawn. The plan has already been set in motion and Shawn has no idea.
Thursday 16 September 2021
Episode 77
Shawn denies the allegations that he got someone pregnant.
Friday 17 September 2021
Episode 78
Asmita trusts Shawn and she believes that he was drugged and did not get close to another woman.
Monday 20 September 2021
Episode 79
Asmita saves Paro from Navedita’s plan to get rid of her.
Tuesday 21 September 2021
Episode 80
Shawn has a constructive discussion with his defence counsel and he promises not to interfere with his work.
Wednesday 22 September to Thursday 30 September 2021
Teasers unvailable. We’ll update as soon as we get them.